Monday, November 12, 2012

Want White Teeth? This Can Help!

By Vanessa Gonzalez

Stained or discolored teeth are embarrassing to most people. That's why everyone's interested in learning how to whiten their teeth or in buying teeth whitening kits. There are lots of different remedies for reaching this goal. There are also a lot of things that you can do to minimize staining. Use the information in this article to find a teeth whitening method that you want to try.

Quite often, normal toothpaste has exactly the same effect as these products when used in an attempt to whiten your teeth. What you can do it go talk to your dentist and listen to his or her recommendation for a brand that works the best.

An excellent method of whitening your teeth is by brushing them using strawberry juice. This kind of juice softens your tooth enamel, enabling you to remove a large amount of the discoloration. The method mentioned is an incredibly inexpensive route to whiten your teeth and strengthen your enamel.

Oranges and lemons boost your intake of vitamin C, but they can also be an effective way to get whiter teeth. You can get a sparkly white smile by taking a piece of lemon or orange peel and using the back of it to rub your teeth. Combining the citrus peels with a pinch of salt can enhance the whitening outcomes.

Brush your teeth regularly if you want to keep a great smile. Practice good oral hygiene to avoid discolored teeth. If you take good care of your teeth, you won't have to concern yourself with whitening products.

Despite the popular belief, applying lemon or lime juice to your teeth is not a good way to whiten them. This couldn't be further from the truth, you should avoid them at all costs. Both juices contain acid that will wear away at the enamel on teeth, and cause them to discolor, and for cavities to form.

Look out for staining foods directly after a whitening treatment. Your teeth will easily absorb stains after they have been whitened. So, try to eliminate foods and drinks that are dark colored to keep your teeth their whitest. Coffee stains your teeth very easily.

You might want to consider drinking less coffee to get a whiter smile. This may be hard for some people, but coffee is the number one reason people have yellow teeth if they are a steady drinker. One suggestion is to substitute hot chocolate for coffee.

There are numerous methods you can try to prevent or reverse dingy, stained teeth. By reading this article, you can gain a better concept of what stains the teeth and what will help remove those stains.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Really a good post by the author, this very helpful those visitors who has some problem in their mouth with specially teeth. Lots of whitening products like Teeth Whitening Kit, Teeth Whitening Pen, Teeth Whitening Gel, Teeth whitening agents are available in the medical stores and online also, but in safety concern always consult a dentist before doing anything for your teeth.