Saturday, November 30, 2013

New Orleans Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Provides Advice On Mistakes To Avoid After A Crash

By Demetra Pietras

As with any vehicular collision, a motorcycle accident can be a frightening, traumatic, and tragic event. Riders can be burdened with expensive medical bills for injuries to their bodies as well as having to pay the costs of repairing the damage to their motorcycles. That is why it is important to seek a qualified New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyer after you are involved in an accident.

Many motorcycle accidents are not actually the fault of the motorcycle rider, and the victims of motorcycle accidents are often legally entitled to reparations from the individual that caused the collision. If you are involved in a crash that results in damage to your motorcycle or physical injuries that require an expensive recovery process, a New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyer can help you get the compensation that you deserve.

Here are a few tips you should follow after your motorcycle accident:

What NOT To Do

DO NOT Acknowledge Fault: After a dangerous and potentially life-threatening accident you may find yourself overcome by emotion. Even if you're the victim, you may instinctively want to apologize to the other party or parties involved in the crash. But until you've spoken to a lawyer, don't claim fault for the accident.

After having been in an accident, it is hard to accurately judge the situation. If you give any indication that you caused the accident, your case can suffer. Even if you believe that both parties involved in the collision are at fault, do not take responsibility for the accident without first consulting with a lawyer.

DO NOT Discuss Anything With Insurance Adjusters: In order to obtain information they can use to undermine your case, insurance adjusters will try to talk to you after the accident. They are experienced at asking seemingly non-threatening questions, while they are actually trying to get you to admit blame in the accident.

Once you have a New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyer, they won't want to talk to you, so let them know up front that you don't want to talk to them until you have met with an attorney. In particular, do not sign anything from an insurance agency before consulting your attorney.

Things You SHOULD Do

Document Everything: After a motorcycle accident, you may have trouble remembering things accurately. This is why it is important to document anything and everything you can, so that you are prepared to help your New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyer by providing accurate descriptions of events, damages, and injuries.

Take photographs of your injuries and keep your medical reports on hand, but do not share descriptions or pictures on social media websites. You don't want to give the opposition the chance to scrutinize any possible discrepancies.

Get Yourself Some Help: The last thing the court wants to see is someone trying to garner sympathy and added compensation by delaying the healing process. It is important to show the court that you are honestly trying to recover by attending your doctor's appointments and heeding medical advice. In the event that you delay or never receive medical attention for your injuries, insurance companies can hold you responsible for any worsening of your injuries.

It can be inconvenient and frighteningly traumatic to be involved in a motorcycle accident. Getting the proper damages can help you recover the cost of medical bills and motorcycle repairs. Following the above advice and contacting a qualified New Orleans motorcycle accident lawyer can help get you the compensation that you deserve.

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