Thursday, November 28, 2013

Action Is The Difference Between Setting And Achieving Goals

By Al Duncan

"Do not waste time idling or thinking after you have set your goals."

One of the passages I love reads, "Do not waste time idling or thinking after you have set your goals."

The reasons that people procrastinate after setting their goals are too numerous to list in a short article like this. But those reasons include things like fear of failure and old-fashioned laziness. There is one thing that can serve as a cure for those two reasons (and many others): Action. Right action.

Duncan Nugget(R) #6: Consistent RIGHT action leads to many profitable transactions.

Setting goals.

Setting goals. Check.

I have read dozens of books, studies, and scoured the internet doing research on goal achievement. It seems to me that less time is spent on "action steps" than on the other aspects of goal achievement.

Visualizing your goals. Check.

Duncan Nugget(R) #6: Consistent RIGHT action leads to many profitable transactions.

The thing to be mindful of is that, for most people, after the setting, writing, and visualizing, they take very little action.

I recently saw a poster with the following phrase on it: "Action. It's always your next move."

I recently saw a poster with that phrase on it. The saying is attributed to Napoleon Hill. Although it is probably paraphrased (After looking through all of my Napoleon Hill material, I couldn't find an exact match), the message is potent.

In an article I wrote called "What comes first, action or motivation?", I explain that action gives birth to motivation. Not the other way around. With the right action comes increasing momentum. Next comes a heightened level of self-efficacy. Finally...achievement.

This is such a simple thing. Maybe that's why it's so difficult for many people. It's simple to do and simple not to do. So, remember, as soon as you start taking action, you are on the path to achieving your goals.

Have you already been working on a particular goal? Awesome. Keep it going. And ask yourself, "Is now a good time to start developing an action plan for my next goal?"

Ready. Set. Take action.

The right action.

Million-Dollar Question: How soon are you going to take action?

About the Author:

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