Thursday, December 20, 2012

Faith And Worship Are Key To The Successful Christian Life

By Julio Douthit

Faith and worship are familiar words to Christians. However, many do not understand that these concepts are foundational principles to kingdom living that cannot be ignored. The first is not vague belief and the second is not church attendance.

Faith is defined in the Bible as belief in things unseen. Although God is not visible to earthly eyes, He does want to reveal Himself to His children. One of the strongest persuasions of a personal god is that when we know that God exists, we know it as surely as we know that we exist. This deep conviction makes us trust in a being we cannot see or touch. This knowledge in our hearts is a gift from our Father.

There is no way that Noah would have spent one hundred years building a huge boat in a time when rain was unknown unless he was convinced that God had asked him to do so. Abraham would not have left all he knew behind unless he was sure that God would be near in the new land. The boy David would not have challenged lions and bears unless he knew that God was with him. Their belief was evidenced by their actions.

Biblical accounts of faithful living describe how God's people faced huge armies, lion's dens, fiery furnaces, prison, and even martyrdom without faltering. This kind of trust and obedience shows a depth of belief that can only be explained by deep commitment to a living deity. It is also rewarding for those who reach this level of understanding.

When a mere human knows that the creator of the universe (daily shown to be more and more vast) desires to freely give love, forgiveness, and provision, worship should be a natural result. However, many people take all their blessings for granted, and even people who really do love the Lord can be distracted by the world. That is why the Lord commands us to worship Him. He knows that a close relationship with Him is the best thing we can have now as well as during the rest of eternity.

Missionary training is not necessary to truly offer praise and thanksgiving to our heavenly Father. However, we admire the dedicated men and women who travel all over the world to help teach the nations to know and appreciate God who made everything. Bringing the joy of the Lord alive for people is one of the most effective ways to open their eyes. Music, singing, and dancing are all part of joyful thanksgiving and praise.

Faith and worship go together, as exercising both is key to a successful Christian life. Any effort expended in deepening your understanding of these concepts will be amply rewarded. Try it for yourself and see.

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