Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Why Orthodontics? It's All About The Bite!

By Rey Vetangelo

For years I passed up getting my teeth cleaned because my insurance provider didn't cover it. However, as the years have passed and my oral care routine hasn't changed, I find myself worrying more over cavities. There are several reasons that your doctor works with you to get your teeth cleaned at least yearly.

Understanding the different problems that can arise from not brushing and flossing daily will help scare you straight. No matter how great you think you have done brushing your teeth, there are always bacteria in your mouth.

Let a dentist or professional assist with your care regimen. Make sure to schedule a yearly appointment with your dentist, schedule a cleaning and exam during this visit. This will help you identify problem areas and find solutions before it starts.

An expert orthodontist can identify problems with your bite, and take the necessary steps toward correcting it.

* Plaque: produces an acid, which erodes your teeth and gums unless removed. * Tartar: forms when plaque is not removed, it calcifies and attracts more harmful sources of bacteria. * Gingivitis: an actual disease caused by bacteria in their destructive state. Results in inflammation of the gums and possible infection. One key indicator of gingivitis is blood on your toothbrush or in the rinse during your brushing routine. * Periodontal Disease: also commonly referred to as Periodontitis. This infection destroys your teeth by affecting the bone, which holds the roots for all of your teeth. Left untreated, you will likely lose your teeth and have permanent damage to your jawbone.

* No body likes to talk with someone who has bad breath- cleaning your teeth can actually help prevent that. As you know, halitosis results from poor oral hygiene. Food and mucus coat the surface of your teeth and gums, unclean dentures, or throat infections can all assist with the foul smell of bad breath.

But it all comes back down to an unclean mouth. Get your teeth cleaned regularly to check for bacteria, which also cause bad breath. Your regular check up can help you keep up with good oral hygiene.

Next, make sure to keep up with a good routine at home. Replace your soft bristle toothbrush every 2-3 months. This will ensure that you are cleaning evenly and well. You also should make sure to keep up with flossing, as many problems are caused from the crevices between your teeth. Flossing will manage bacteria, keep out food particles, and allow you to keep fresh breath.

Make sure to consult with your dentist about any other care that should be taken to keep your smile in the best shape possible. Many different things can take place in your mouth, but make sure you have control. Keep a smile that is bright and clean for years to come.

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