Friday, September 6, 2013

How To Talk To Girls

By David Gonzalez

How to talk to girls is a major concern among men all over the world. Every man wishes to win the heart of every beautiful girl they meet. However, this is not always easy to achieve especially since most of them do not have the skills to keep their conversation interesting. It is now obvious that every woman wants to spend time with a guy who can make her laugh and feel excited. So if you really want to know how to talk to girls, then you need to learn to be good in your speech. Always choose your words wisely so that you do not say things that will put the girl off.
[How To Talk To Girls]

To make connections with her, you need to listen closely to what she says. After asking about her, you need to determine whether you two share similarities with one another like the hobbies she likes to do, the place where she works, etc.After you have made connections, you could then tell her about yourself. At first, she might not be interested in knowing more about you. Yet, when you show her how you two may be connected, her level of interest might increase. She will begin to show more interest on your next statements.To do this, you need to tell her something friendly and flattering. Tell her that it was great to meet her because her company was indeed great and prevented you from getting bored.If you have no idea what topics to start talking about, you could simply look around the place and talk about what you can see. If you are both in a party organized by your friend, you could probably ask her how she is related to the host. If in a restaurant, you could ask her for suggestions on the best meal to order.

Remember that you have a limited chance to impress the girl and therefore you have to make every second count. It involves understanding the best topics to discuss with a girl. The mistake that most guys make is to ask boring and irrelevant questions. Questions such as what is your name sound too formal and can make the conversation short. Girls meet guys who ask such questions every day and so if you will dwell on the same thing then you become another casual guy. The craziest thing is that these guys think they know how to talk to girls.

Next, click below to find out this one secret amazing technique to get hot girls to practically beg you to kiss them!Becoming a person that is not frightened to approach the most beautiful woman you will ever see is now within your grasp.What I am doing here is going over something about the way for you to pick up women with the ease of a Casanova. What I will say is that everyone that is in a position where they are nervous when in the company of women and lose the ability to speak, really do need some sort of help, and that is what this article is all about?

If you anticipate an awkward silence, don't announce it and draw attention to the fact it's awkward. Instead, stop the silence before it gets out of hand by changing the topic. Something around you is bound to provide stimulus for the next topic. If she's wearing eye-catching jewelry, that's perfect material for your next object of discussion. Ask her about the story behind it. She'll be pleased that you noticed and with any luck, she will have an interesting story to tell.Some people just aren't the best conversationalists. However, this is a skill you can learn and will get better at with practice.A conversation will suffocate if you cannot listen as well as speak. If she feels like the conversation is only going one way and she can't get a word in, she'll get bored. Plenty of guys resort to verbal diarrhea when they get nervous and don't even realize it. Sometimes they are so anxious about thinking of what they should say next, that they fail to listen attentively. Try to listen to yourself objectively as you talk, to check that you're not being too overbearing.

Sorry there is not time or space enough to go into detail here.Don't worry I am not trying to blind you by giving you just one or two good points, on these articles. This article is really meant to help you get up and running as a PUA.There is nothing worse or frustrating than when you are confronted with a situation where you see a woman that you would really like to talk to, but you feel completely paralyzed. You don't know what to say, you don't know what to do, you are frightened she will reject you, or maybe you actually say something and then become tongue tied and are at a loss as to how to take things further.

Well when you know the 3 second rule you will know the fundamental basis of your aim for becoming a real honest to goodness Pick Up Artist.I feel bound to sharing something special with you here, when you digest what I am about to say, I am positive it is going to help you with your dilemma. By dilemma I mean if you are suffering with problems of rejection. If you are I must say here and now, do not take them seriously, I will explain below.

Smiling and using plenty of eye contact as you converse will make her feel like you have a real connection. But don't get touchy with her too soon. You want to create intrigue and leave her wondering, rather than making your intentions too obvious. Light touches when the moment is right are the way to go.You also need to know when to close the conversation- before it dies. As much as you wouldn't want to, make your excuses when she seems most interested. Take that opportunity to exchange numbers, and leave her wanting you.When chatting up women, you need to come across as confident and self-assured. You want her to think that you don't care if she's not impressed. If you invest all your hopes in getting with her, she'll relish the power you've given her. She will enjoy seeing you fawn over her and will feel flattered, but she'll see it as pathetic and will not develop an interest in you.This is also why you don't want to wait too long before approaching. If you've been shyly eyeing her from across the bar all night and take hours to work up the courage to talk to her, she won't be impressed. She might think it's cute that you're nervous about speaking to her, but that won't get you into her pants.

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