Friday, September 20, 2013

If You Want To Prevent Heart Disease, You Need To Learn How To Lower Your Cholesterol.

By Lorenzo Parker

Heart disease is a big killer of women and men alike and better than 50% of Americans are dealing with levels of cholesterol that are too high. In fact, if you haven't been checked, you should take the time to have your doctor do that as soon as possible.

The primary cause of cholesterol is fats in the food we eat and in our body. It is well known as the bad guy to block our arteries that carries blood through out our body, and too much of it will cause heart attack, stroke and other related diseases. In the fever to bring our cholesterol level under control, will it ever be too low for our own good?

Niacin might not be a magical cure that saves our civilization, but it is tiny little vitamin that is worth looking at for people who are interested in more natural ways of meting out a blow to their cholesterol levels. Also known as vitamin B3, it has been effective not only in reducing the amount of bad cholesterol but also raising the level of the so-called good cholesterol, or HDL. Its effect on helping clear out plaque from the arteries is exactly what is needed to give patients an effective treatment.

If you want to ensure you can lower your bad cholesterol levels, start drinking orange juice for breakfast on a regular basis. Just make sure that the kind you choose has plant sterols in it. These plant sterols help to lower your bad LDL levels, and over time you can significantly lower cholesterol and prevent negative health problems as well.

While total cholesterol level is a guide to how much cholesterol is in the body, it is more important to know what makes up this level.

Apart from increasing the complexity and costs of the therapy, subjects who took both substances were at a greater danger, albeit marginally, of suffering from a stroke than those who only consumed niacin. The conclusion was that treatments need to be simplified.

Secret #3 - Add Olive Oil to Recipes

Breast fed baby tend to have higher cholesterol then formula fed babies. However, breast fed baby also adapt to metabolized cholesterol much better. The body adaptation brings benefit to adulthood as they are at lower risk of heart attack, stroke and other cholesterol related issues.

Unfortunately, quite a lot of patients have complained about this sort of reactions. There is also something possibly much more important, which has to do with a patient psychology more than treatment effectiveness or safety.

Oatmeal is one of the best things you can eat if you want to keep your diet heart healthy. Many medical professionals boast about oatmeal and how it can help to lower your cholesterol. There is a lot of research to back these claims up as well. You can reduce your LDL levels substantially by eating oatmeal on a regular basis. Old fashioned or quick cooking options are the best choice.

Perhaps the age old axiom stands true in this instance, too much or too little of anything is not good, stick to moderation and balance, will probably reduce most of the risk related to cholesterol

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