Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Non Toxic All Purpose Cleaner For Environmentally Friendly Homes

By Kenneth Brown

We live in an age where where are taught early on about the importance of protecting the environment. A trip to your local grocery store and you will be met with loads of alternatives to traditional products on sale. From organic pasta to non toxic all purpose cleaner, there is a green solution for everything. In this article we are going to take a look at why harsh chemicals should be banished from our cleaning cupboards forever.

Traditionally, bleach and chemicals were always used in domestic cleaning. Under every kitchen sink you would find a bottle of bleach. You would have a can of chemical oven cleaner, and possible some chemical products for cutting back grease too.

But now lets take a look at today. It is no longer acceptable to clean with chemicals in the home. You can easily locate green cleaning products in stores, or you can make them yourself. Baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice are three things that you probably already have at home, and they are all great for cleaning.

So, now lets take a look at why it is so important to get rid of chemicals from our homes. It is not difficult when you think about it. Chemicals are toxic and they harm us and the environment. Bleach is one of the worst offenders. Bleach stings the eyes and makes it difficult to breath when inhaled, so just imagine what it is doing to your lungs and the rest of your body. No doubt you will have had at least one accident with bleach in your life.

So, just imagine what bleach fumes do to babies, pets, and the elderly. You young child cannot tell you what is wrong, but after inhaling bleach fumes his breathing would become impaired. If you do not want a trip to the emergency room, you need to banish chemical and harmful cleaners and replace them with green alternatives like Eco friendly all purpose cleaner.

Chemicals are irritants, and if you use them for cleaning you will find irritations on your skin. If yo already suffer from asthma, it will become a lot worse when you come in contact with chemicals. At work you may notice people with asthma take more sick days, and normally after chemicals have been used for cleaning. Your animals will also suffer, although all too often in silence.

When you finish cleaning with chemicals, the waste is often thrown straight down the sink. This is very harmful to the Eco system beneath. Chemical cleaners will damage almost everything and anyone who comes in contact with them. So, it is definitely time you put a stop to things and bought some green cleaning products.

You have two choices here. You can either stock up on green cleaning solution from your grocery store, or you can make them yourself. A quick search online and you can find lots of inspiration and recipes for your green cleaning. When making an all purpose cleaner that is toxin free, make sure you add some essential oils. This will ensure that your new cleaner smells great and that you cannot wait to get on with your cleaning chores at home.

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

This article is very insightful. Thank you for these tips. I have been working hard to make sure the cleaning products I use are natural because it seems a few of my kids have a lot of irritations from the chemicals in other products. Alongside my daily cleaning, I make sure to get my carpets cleaned routinely. This has made such a difference. I have been researching the best carpet cleaning methods and found a green carpet cleaning solution that is so much healthier for your family and your home.