Saturday, June 30, 2018

Christian TV Online For Your Bible Study Class

By Deborah Stone

You were once a student in a Bible Study Class and now you have been asked to be a teacher. You are excited and terrified at the same time. You appreciate the honour but you worry you might mess it up. Relax, all you have to do is remember how you were taught and spruce it up a bit. Learn from your previous masters and the Christian TV Online but add a twist of your own. All the ancient teachings told from a modern angle.

Before anything is done, there should be a moment of silence to speak to the lord. Begin your sessions on a prayer note, ask for guidance from God to help you lead effectively. You don t have to be the one who prays every time you begin. You can be the first, and then from there you can all setup a roster. It will be good for everyone to pray before all sessions begin, it creates a safe space.

Map out a program of sorts before you come to class. Think of it like a lesson plan and you are the teacher. Have set scriptures that you would like to cover and share with other members. After you read a particular verse you should expect some questions, so you should prepare ahead. Reading ahead will help you better understand and explain to the rest. They will be looking to you for clarity.

There is nothing wrong with a few jokes here and there. Sessions are also made to be enjoyed, learning and fun are a great combination. Constantly reading and discussing can get a bit dry and dull. It is okay to let loose and make some part of the sessions enjoyable. This will make the learners feel more welcomed and relaxed. It will also instil excitement.

Being a guide doesn t mean you are supposed to know everything. So while you guide others, it is okay for you to seek guidance as well as a senior at church. They can help you with interpretation and understanding. They can help you with the general approach of your sessions. You can even have them sit in on one of the sessions as a way to help out where you cannot reach.

The meeting place should always be arranged beforehand. It would really feel strange if people waited long for you to arrange a place. This means everything takes longer than usual and they might have to leave mid-session to attend to their other commitments. Another reason to get there early is to make certain that the place is clean. So that you don t take up more time doing this. It makes more sense to be organized.

Make it a habit to begin everything on time. This is another way you keep track of where you are going and how far you still need to. Decide on a specific day you are going meet, and what you are covering on those days. Some make the mistake of waiting for people to gather. You could waste an entire 30 minutes doing that. If you begin on time, then people will make more of an effort to be punctual.

Even though you are the designated leader and guide. Does not mean you should be the only person contributing. The others should get a chance to share their feelings or how they interpret a particular scripture. It should be a safe space where people feel like they can be open. This could make these teachings worthwhile and enjoyable. When people share you know that the teachings are going through.

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