Monday, March 28, 2016

Early Signs Of Autism In Your Child That Need To Be Checked By Your Doctor

By Christine Russell

When you give birth to your precious bundle of joy, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not they are completely healthy. Unfortunately, it seems that many people choose to ignore the early warning signs that point to an illness in their child and the child goes without being diagnosed for a long time. Looking out for early signs of autism in Dallas, TX can help you and your child get the medical attention they need.

It is never too early in Dallas TX to check for suspicious symptoms in your child that may be an indicator of autism. Many parents notice that certain actions of their child are not necessarily normal, but they push it to the back of their mind because they think their child is too young to display any symptoms. Nothing can be further from the truth, as early detection is the best method for successful treatment.

Do not assume that simply because a child is young that it is acceptable for certain warning signs to be dismissed as development of the child's personality. The earlier the diagnosis, the better chances your child has of adapting to the treatment and going on to live a healthy life. If the diagnosis is delayed, the child will have been subjected to more psychological damage.

There is a wide spectrum of this disease and your child could be either higher on the spectrum, where treatment is more intense, or lower on the spectrum, where the treatment may not be as involved. There different degrees of severity across the spectrum, and no matter in which category your child is placed, treatment is necessary. Do not fall into the common trap of thinking that if your child is not badly afflicted, they can discontinue treatment after a while.

One of the defining characteristics of this disease is that those who suffer from it are unable to relate to the people around them. They cannot understand how people perform simple social interactions with other people, such as hugging, kissing or even holding hands with someone, even their parents. If a child is withdrawn to the extent that they will not accept any physical interaction, it could be a sign of the illness.

Another sign of the affliction is the solid barrier that those with autism put up between themselves and other people. For example, they repel physical interaction with others, whether it may be something as intimate as a hug or something as casual as a handshake. If your child gives off signals that no one should approach them, including you, it should be brought to a doctor's notice.

If your child has major issues with their inability to change their schedule, it is a definitive indicator that they are suffering from some type of autism. Sufferers of the illness cannot change their schedule no matter what circumstances arise, and they will suffer from a major panic attack if even the slightest change occurs in their schedule.

If you feel that your child is exhibiting any of these symptoms, do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Even if people tell you that you're overreacting, don't let the shame of asking an unnecessary question to your doctor stop you from treating your child. Trust your instincts, because it is better to be wrong than to sacrifice your child's wellbeing.

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