Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Many Benefits Of Hydrating Water

By Krystal Branch

Did you know that a human being can survive for up to seven days without eating food but cannot go past four days without H2O? Well, this goes to show you that H2O is one of the most essential requirements for not only the human body but animals as well. Here are some of the reasons why the human body normally needs hydrating water.

First, H2O aids in the digestion of food. As soon as you place food in the mouth, your saliva starts the process of digestion. After the first process, the food moves down the gut where enzymes that are mixed with H2O act on the food and break it down to the nutrients that are absorbed by the cells. H2O also helps in transporting these nutrients through the bloodstream and into the cells.

Another benefit of H2O for hydration is that it plays a major role in the proper functioning of the various organs such as the heart, kidneys and the liver. If these organs are not supplied with enough H2O or not at all, they may end up either slowing down in activity or completely fail. This is probably the reason why the human body will shut faster when not supplied with H2O than in the absence of food.

A human body normally loses energy during hot weather, or when exercising. H2O, when taken in the right amount will prevent this. Dehydration make people look tired as well as lacking in energy. Taking H2O helps in restoring some of the energy you had lost.

The things that are discussed above are just some of the reasons why it is very important to ensure your body is never dehydrated. The main signs of dehydration include confusion, dizziness, excessive thirst, dark colored urine and headaches. If you realize that you are having any of the mentioned symptoms, you need to start taking H2O immediately.

Many people think that staying hydrated is an easy task. What they do not understand is that there are some foods and drinks for human body dehydration. For instance, tea and coffee cause more dehydration than they rehydrate the body. In order to stay hydrated, you need to balance how much of these drinks you take in.

In addition to taking foods and drinks that help in hydration, taking H2O is very important. It is recommended that you should take at least eight glasses of H2O per day. The obvious benefits of staying hydrated at all times include the fact that hydration raises the metabolic rate and also ensures that you have healthy skin at all times.

Now that you know why hydrating water is essential in the human body, it is important to ensure that you take enough H2O on a daily basis. Mineral H2O is now available in the market today and it helps in supplementing nutrients. Proper hydration of your body will ensure that you body is functioning properly. It will also help in preventing fatigue and sickness. You can see a dietitian to help you understand the hydrating foods you should take.

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