Tuesday, October 21, 2014

How Assisi Animal Health Can Help With Wobbler Syndrome

By Rebecca Mills

It should be easy enough to see when a dog is in perfect shape. They can go about a number of actions, ranging from healthy eating to the right level of physical exercise. However, discussion should be made when it comes to ailments that many dogs have, which is a topic that can be extensively covered by Assisi Animal Health. In order to expand your understanding, on this subject, I believe it is important to cover the idea of wobbler syndrome.

Wobbler syndrome, or cervical spondylomyelopathy, is the type of condition that impacts a dog's cervical spine. Scientifically speaking, it compresses the nerve roots of the spine, which leads to certain levels of discomfort and pain in the neck. The pain in question is one that can be alleviated, which is a point that I will get into later on. Physically speaking, wobbler syndrome results in what is described as an unsteady sense of walking.

Wobbler syndrome can be affected by various conditions, one of them being the type of breed. In most cases, larger breeds possess higher levels of risk when it comes to the development of wobbler syndrome, so greater care may be required. It's also worth noting that the condition can, from a physical standpoint, reduce muscle mass in the dog's shoulders. Stay wary so that if you see any signs of this condition, you can address the problem as soon as possible.

If you'd like to know about the best ways to help you dog with wobbler syndrome, Assisi Animal Health can provide assistance. One of the reasons for this is because of the Loop(TM), which is a piece of technology designed for the purpose of alleviating pain in animals. In order to potentially cure your pet of this condition, make sure that you contact your veterinarian. Surgery may be required, though this is largely dependent on how severe the condition itself is.

It's difficult to see dogs, or any pets for that matter, go through physical trauma that impedes their lives. Wobbler syndrome is one of the most serious but it's not like it cannot be approached. The guidance offered by Assisi Animal Health can prove useful, which goes without saying. After all, they possess some of the best technology imaginable, not only for pain relief but treatment in general. Focus on probable solutions and take the best steps toward the solutions in question.

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