Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Parenting Mistakes You Might Not Know You Are Making

By Jenefer Garcia

When you are a parent, it is impossible to avoid occasional mistakes. Is is not so much what you do, but that you are consistent at it.

Most parents will make the mistake of inconsistency. It's easy to fall into this trap without even being aware of it. This is an instance in which your kids are going to be smarter than you. To use one example: when you constantly threaten your children with discipline that you very rarely actually dish out, they'll learn that you aren't one to listen to. Maybe they will figure out exactly how to talk you out of actually delivering on what you have promised, When it comes to discipline you need to practice some consistency and ensure that your rules stay the same every single day. You don't have to inflict unnecessarily harsh punishments when rules get broken but they do need to be predictable. To put it simply, when you make rules you need to consistently enforce them.

We all see parents who are constantly criticizing their kids, and we might be guilty of this ourselves. The important thing is to focus on the child's behavior and not say things that are meant to shame or belittle the child. To call your children stupid or lazy, will only make them believe that they are. Treating your children like they are stupid will make their grades go down and not up. Only positive encouragement will help your child gain confidence. Being called stupid or bad does not make your child feel good, in fact it will deter them from trying to do better.

Anytime you lie and no matter whom you lie to; it will come back to you in an adverse way. Your kids will treat you with skepticism if you aren't honest with them. For instance some children may be afraid of syringes; you shouldn't suggest that it won't hurt. It's better to be honest and say it will hurt, but only for a moment. Your kids could become suspicious and wary of your word once they figure out you aren't being forthright. Telling the truth is not a simple task all the time; however you will have a much better connection with your kids than if you continue lying to them.

Most "wants" in children are learned. From TV commercials to internet ads, there are lots of items that kids will want from an early age. If you buy them everything they ask for, you're teaching them a few inappropriate lessons. For one thing, they will not learn to be self reliant. You could give your child an allowance so he or she can learn about saving money and how much money really is worth. Not giving your children everything they ask for is a great way to ensure they learn to value the things they have. It's normal to buy some things for them - just don't go overboard.

A few of the common parenting mistakes are listed in this article and the possibility of correcting them. It is a demanding task to learn everything it is to learn about parenting skills. It is important to learn from your mistakes because everyone can improve their parenting skills.

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