Sunday, April 27, 2014

Periodontist - A Deeper Look Into The Mouth Of The Profession

By Alisia Giannotti

When it comes to the science of good hygiene, we all know how important taking care of our teeth and gums are-though for many of us, genetics, absent-mindedness, costs, and/or insurance coverage can keep us from maintaining the overall health of our mouths-through proper brushing, flossing, and checkups with the dentist. Unfortunately, this can lead many of us to need more advanced care in the form of a periodontist.

Periodontists are really defined by what periodontist procedures they can offer a patient- such as in gum disease treatments. Often, a patient who is having symptoms of gum disease has acquired these symptoms due to improper care of their teeth. Periodontal (gum) diseases, including periodontists and gingivitis, are serious infections that left untreated, lead to tooth loss. Periodontal disease is a chronic bacterial infection that affects the gums and bone supporting the teeth.

Periodontists are really defined by what periodontist procedures they can offer a patient- such as in gum disease treatments. Often, a patient who is having symptoms of gum disease has acquired these symptoms due to improper care of their teeth. While many patients need only a standard dentist for care, in many cases, it is recommended that they use a periodontist.

Periodontal disease can affect one tooth or many teeth. It begins when the bacteria in plaque (the sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on your teeth) causes the gums to become inflamed. The following factors also affect the health of your gums.

For gum disease treatments, the care is typically administered in phases. The periodontist evaluates the extent of the damage to the gums and begins educating the patient on proper brushing, flossing, and plaque removal techniques.

Periodontists are really defined by what periodontist procedures they can offer a patient- such as in gum disease treatments. The periodontist evaluates the extent of the damage to the gums and begins educating the patient on proper brushing, flossing, and plaque removal techniques.

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