Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Study On Ewc Controls Gear

By Marsha Klein

An ewc controls gear is a machinery in a vehicle that turns engine power into movement forward or backward. This machinery can be easily damaged by careless use of the clutch. The machinery should be handled with care hence the damage that brings a big loss. The machinery is a very important part of the vehicle because no movement can be made without it.

The study was done by the university students who were on practical research and theory together. The students discovered that without this machinery working properly, then the vehicle poses to be a danger to the community. This is because for example if the vehicle is packed on a hill and the gears are not working, then the vehicle might start moving downhill and cause an accident.

The research proved that one must study well all the stages of this gadget before even to shift them. This is because if one has not studied them well, then one might shift to top machinery when intending to shift to bottom machinery. Or one would shift to top machinery when the intended shift was for bottom machinery.

When one buys a second hand vehicle, it is very important to get a mechanic to test the vehicle and makes sure that all the parts of the vehicle are in good condition including the gear. It is very dangerous to the owner of the vehicle and to the public to drive a vehicle that is not in good condition.

If one does not do enough practice on this machinery, then one stands a chance to bring a big damage to the vehicle and even to the lives of people. One might not be serious or may be absent minded and instead of shifting the gadget to bottom then one shifts the gadget into top gear which makes the vehicle to fly at a very high speed. This catches the driver at a surprise making the person to panic and even lose control.

The study showed that the machinery can be easily stolen by the experts when a vehicle has been stolen. There is no way one can put protection in this machinery alone therefore one has to protect the whole vehicle. Protection of the vehicle means adding the cost of the vehicle to employ a guard or even have a very safe place for packing the vehicle.

It is not complete to talk about this research without including that the gadget is very expensive part of the vehicle as it poses to control the whole vehicle in order to make it useful. The installation of the gadget proves to be a very expensive thing as the mechanics know without it one cannot travel anywhere.

An ewc controls gear box is the part containing this machinery of a vehicle. All the parts are very important otherwise the machinery might not be complete and hence making the machinery to be dangerous. The machinery is the driving force of the vehicle because it determines whether to move on high speed or low speed. Also determines whether the vehicle would move forward or reverse.

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