Saturday, January 12, 2019

Cavachon Puppy For Sale: Strong Choice

By Angela Barnes

Crossbreeds usually require a lot of care and guidelines. This particular one though is small and cuddly. It is generally a happy dog with little shedding and lots of affection. Everything about this little dog makes it a perfect pet for children. Therefore if one comes across a cavachon puppy for sale, they should consider taking it. However, it is important to have some information before hand.

They are very small and adorable. People like to feed them treats and all sorts of things. Therefore, they might be heavier than the standard. The standard is 13 inches at 20 lbs. They have strong limbs and broad backs. When buying check the nose. A short nose might be indicative of a future with respiratory issues. Therefore proceed with caution if the muzzle is a little shorter than desired.

This small pup can get into small spaces. One needs to know that the pup will answer when called and will not leave waste in those tight spaces. They are easy to train as they are highly motivated to please their master. They can also hold their focus for a long time especially if motivated with positive reinforcement and rewards. Training can be DIY and used as bonding time with the new pup.

Every dog requires exercise. You need to think about two things. The first is the size of the dog; very small; the second is the energy levels which are very high. This dog does not need a huge yard to exercise in. Usually merely chasing toys in the hallway may suffice. However, if the pup has been indoors for long it is advisable to take him for a walk outside. This stimulates the mind.

In addition to the exercise, ensure to provide well balanced meals at appropriate intervals and portions. Grooming should be regular with trimming often. The hair around the eyes can compromise sight. So, it should be trained to grow away from the eyes by using wet cotton buds once a day to smooth it away. Brush the coat several times a week and a proper bath at least once a month.

No seller should be releasing pups before they are 8 weeks old. It is cruel and illegal. In fact, it is the responsibility of the buyer to name and shame such a seller. Request a return policy of 48 hours. This allows enough time to have the vet check out the pup fro possible health issues. The pup should be up to date on vaccinations.

It is only prudent to ask to see the mother of the pup. This is necessary for two reasons. A look at the mother gives insight into the temperament of the pup. One should also ask about the age of the mother. It might be necessary to find out how many times the mom has given birth. If the breeder is one of those transparent types, he or she will provide this information without prompting.

Microchips are absolutely necessary for all pets. They are a form of identity. This chip has information on the owner of the dog and other necessary information in the event of loss. The pup should therefore be microchipped before leaving the premises or one should go straight to a vet for this after the transaction is complete.

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