Saturday, August 26, 2017

Decorate Your Spaces With Indoor Plants Miami

By George Nelson

Living in a space full of greenery is a real pleasure. The plants not only beautify the space, they make the area healthier, more pleasant and clean. Different home plants give your space character and elegance, clean air from different toxins and have a positive effect on your mood. Indoor plants Miami professionals can help you choose the best plants for your home or office.

When choosing greens for your office space, lobbies and other business premises, simple maintenance is certainly a very important factor. Different plants have different light requirements. Low light and low maintenance interior species are the best choice when it comes to decorating business and similar spaces. If you really want excellent results, look for expert advice.

When it comes to a size, it all depends on your space, namely the size, height and the amount of light. Some varieties require more sunlight, some less. Recently, green walls and so called vertical gardens became really popular, especially when it comes to large entrance areas. They can really create something special there, welcoming your visitors and creating interesting and appealing environment for all people spending time there.

There are so many beautiful choices here, but some are especially interesting, such as Draecena. They come in maybe forty varieties, one more beautiful than the other. Thanks to the fact that some can reach over six feet i height, they are perfectly suited for creating one attractive green environment in your entrance area or in your office. Some are in different shades of green, and some are more colorful.

Some of the most beautiful and most interesting Draecenas are Marginata, Reflex, Green Jewel and Fragrans. Draecena Colorama is particularly interesting because of her pink leaves and attractive appearance. Generally, they really love moderate indirect sunlight, but tolerate brighter light as well, and they really do not require much care. Even if you forget to give them enough water, there will be no greater consequences for their appearance or health.

Another highly popular family of species is Sansevieria. With attractive stiff, spear like leaves, these lovely houseplants are suitable for homes and office buildings alike. They are really great air purifiers, removing different toxins and chemical residues from the air. Leaves are mostly green, sometimes combined with really interesting and appealing white edges or patterns.

There are about 70 species of Sansevieria, also known as Snake Plant. Some of the most attractive are Moonshine, Robusta and Wintergre. These are mostly medium-high interior varieties that do not require too much light and are easy to maintain. Of course, there are still a number of suitable types that will fit nicely into your green interior. If you are not sure which one to choose, it would be best to seek expert advice.

For those who prefer minimalism to luxurious greenery, a great variety of interesting bonsai species is the best choice. Ficus Nerifolia Bons or Luseane Bonsai are perhaps small, but look exquisite and give the look of elegance and sophistication of any interior. Here too there is a really rich selection of attractive plants that may require a little more attention, but they are really worth it.

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