Friday, May 8, 2015

Eliminating Fear From Your Puppy

By Manny Rutz

Getting a new puppy is like accepting a new member to our family, it also comes with a lot of responsibility of knowing how to properly raise our new friend. Dogs can be very friendly, very shy or very aggressive and all depends on the type of environment that they grew up in as puppies. In this article we are going to discuss a few tips to help you make sure your new puppy is not afraid of the outside world and grows a happy and healthy dog.

Before you do anything or walk your dog out for the first time it's important that you vaccinate your puppy. A non vaccinated puppy can attract diseases and viruses that can be transmitted from other animals and even other dogs while walking outside. Prevention of diseases and viruses is the first step to healthy dog and the best way to avoid future health problems.

Teaching your puppy by exploring different places and getting your dog to get used to certain noises and even other dogs is a good idea. If your dog is not used to regular everyday noises and things you'll have a dog that most likely will be easily scared of anything or any noise around him. The best way to get your dog used to these things is by exploring as much as possible.

In the first few months of your puppy we encourage you to do a lot of different things. Not only to create a great bond with your dog but also teaching him about the different aspects of the outside world. For example taking your dog for a car ride, then another day taking him out with lots of people and playing with other dogs. These things are crucial in a dogs life mainly because it will be a happier, playful dog.

Keep in mind that training your dog, especially as a puppy takes time. You must have a patience, keep in mind there are those who are unable to take care of their dogs because they don't have the time or don't want the responsibility. You should only have a puppy if you can provide a positive environment and have the time and resources to make sure that dog becomes more than just a pet in your family.

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