Friday, February 27, 2015

Essential Information About Decatur Georgia Attic Animal Wildlife Proofing

By Dave L. Weglin

If animals are living in your attic, they can cause extensive damage to the plumbing, wiring and its structure. They can also become vectors of diseases. You can keep the loft of your property free from animal wildlife through consistent home maintenance. Decatur Georgia attic animal wildlife proofing involves performing routine inspections of the attic and the exteriors of your property and taking precautionary measures to ensure that animals do not make their homes in your loft.

Before animal proofing your attic, you should first check if there are animals residing in it. You can know that there are animals in your loft if you hear noises like scurrying, rolling and thumping. Other signs include droppings, chewed wiring, gnawed boards, nests and holes on the outside of the house that appear chewed open.

If they notice that there are animals residing in their attics, homeowners should either trap and release them themselves or hire a wildlife control specialist to do this for them. Removing animals from a loft is crucial because the measures that are taken to animal proof it may keep them inside. If this happens, the animals can damage the loft further or die in it.

After getting rid of animals from your loft, the next step is to inspect the exterior parts of your house for manmade openings such as soffit events and chimney pipes as well as small holes. The best way to keep animals like rats, raccoons and squirrels from entering your property is to seal any holes you find on the exterior parts of your home. You should also ensure that the vent covers on soffit events are firmly installed.

You should then seal any holes that are on the roof or near the roof line with a hardware cloth. If your soffit vents do not have vent covers, you should buy vent covers and screw them in over the vent holes. If your loft vents have holes where animals can crawl through, you can add steel screens over them.

In some homes, the opening of the chimney is large enough to let animals enter the chimney. The best way to deal with this problem is installing a cap over the chimney. The cap should be of the right size so that it will not affect air flow. Homeowners can follow the instructions of the manufacturer to install the chimney cap or hire a contractor to install it.

In order to keep animals from returning, it is essential to get rid of any sources of food on your property. You should keep all garbage can closed tightly. If possible, you can place garbage cans in your garage or shed.

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