Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Seniors Get Their Medicare Questions Answered

By Brian Turner

When senior are about ready to retire, they start thinking about what money they are going to have coming in and what benefits they are going to have. Almost everybody understands they will get a Social Security check every month. They also know they will probably be entitled to free medical care once they reach sixty-five. How these benefits work and when they go into effect is confusing to many however. In order to make the smartest choices about their health, seniors need to have their Medicare questions answered.

Seniors want to know when they can enroll. You can sign up for your benefits anywhere from three months before you turn sixty-five to three months after you turn sixty-five. That includes the month of your birthday as well. If you're already receiving Social Security, you don't have to do anything. You'll be signed up automatically for Parts A and B on the first day of the month you turn sixty-five.

Seniors who are looking ahead want to know if the program pays for long term care. It really does not. It won't help you when you need assistance with daily activities or custodial care if that is the only type of care you need.

What is will pay for is long term care in a hospital and some nursing care in a qualifying facility. Your benefits will pay for certain home health services, hospice, and respite care. For more information about nursing home care, you should visit the government's website.

What the benefits are for choosing Advantages Plans over Part A and B is confusing to seniors. If you take prescription drugs, you might want to consider an Advantage Plan that pays for them. Medicare won't. Advantage Plans have an out of pocket cap. After you have spent sixty-seven hundred dollars in a year, your Advantage Plan kicks in. If you are interested in vision and dental coverage, you will need an Advantage Plan.

The difference between HMOs and PPOs is a mystery to most. Health Maintenance Organization plans, HMOs, won't cost you as much for out of pocket expenses. This is a big reasons seniors choose them. The drawback for many is that you're required to use a doctor in the plans network of physicians. Many HMO plans include prescription drugs.

PPOs, Preferred Provider Organization, plans let you choose any doctor who accepts Medicare. You don't have to stay in their network, which is a big draw for seniors who love the doctors they have and don't want to have to make a change. You will pay more for monthly premiums with these plans. If you go outside the network for a doctor, it may cost more than if you had chosen a doctor in their network. These plans can cover prescription drugs.

The difference between Medigap and supplemental insurance is another area of confusion. The main difference is in the carrier you use. All the lettered plans are just the same. It doesn't matter where you live or which carrier you use. The price can vary from carrier to carrier.

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