Monday, May 21, 2018

Using Glycolic Exfoliating Cleanser Helps Adult Acne

By Joyce Nelson

When it comes to skin maintenance, no one rule works for everyone. This is found to be true for the troublesome teen years as well as advancing deep into adulthood. Many factors, such as diet and environment can play a strong role in the texture of skin, as well as its likelihood of breaking out. More people are finding that changing certain habits, like drinking more water or using a glycolic exfoliating cleanser can reverse some common issues.

One common misconception about curing problems like dull skin or hyperpigmentation is the sloughing process. Unless done by a licensed esthetician or medical professional, not all home treatments or accessories are made equal. While it helps to follow directions carefully, users should also keep in mind that bringing unnecessary pressure to the face, or other area being treated, is not necessary.

Those suffering from acne breakouts can exacerbate things when they use synthetic exfoliating pads or coarse grind scrubs often. These can also be too rough for those with fine lines, as the texture is already delicate. Using a glycolic acid cleanser daily can be the perfect solution to making visual imperfections less noticeable.

Glycolic acid, on the other hand, does not have a dense texture but some users advise going with the lowest strength possible when starting out. One reason is to test its effectiveness, as some users may have a skin reaction, like any other product. The other reason is to balance skin pH after each application.

For those suffering from hyperpigmentation and wrinkles, hydration is the key to reducing the look of imperfection. While drinking ample amounts of water daily is a start, diet can also play a role. It also helps to use quality products that are rich in vitamins C and E, along with natural moisturizers like aloe vera and hyaluronic acid.

As some with darker skin also tend to suffer from dryness, it helps to make a natural moisture part of a daily regimen. Using aloe vera gel or a combination of light oils like jojoba, which absorb quickly into the skin are good choices. Applying vitamin E gel capsules may also work areas that are prone to peeling.

A common problem among those with darker skin, most find the use of this product, along with a basic moisturizer, to be the most effective way to eliminate old acne scars. Cleansers and peels can help those with recent acne breakouts and wrinkles, but starting off gentle is recommended. However, if an inexpensive product appears to have a lot of fillers or alcohol added, those with sensitive skin may want to search for something with fewer ingredients.

Another pointer is for those who like to bathe in the sun regularly, even if it does not entail being stretched out on a favorite lounger. Most products containing alpha hydroxy acid tend to make the skin more sensitive to sun exposure. Experts recommend that sunblock is used immediately after treatment, even on days that are overcast or the user is outdoors for a short time.

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