Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trailer Wraps: The Biggest Do's & Don'ts Concerning Color

By Robin Setser

Trailer wraps require a number of components in order to be effective. One of the most vital is color, which pops and grabs your attention right away. However, before you simply splash any colors that you'd like onto said wraps, you have to know how to implement them with care. Here are some of the biggest do's and don'ts to follow when it comes to this very component. By the end, your marketing prowess will become sharper.

DO focus on simplicity. If you want to effectively implement color into trailer wraps, the first thing to make note of is simplicity. The reason for this is that you cannot splash a variety of hues together and expect results. More than anything else, this will make your work come across as sloppy, which is where the professional guidance of companies like JMR Graphics will come into play. This is just one of the many talking points to cover when it comes to color.

DON'T think that white space doesn't matter. White space is one of the most useful features of marketing, whether it's done by Long Island SEO agencies or not. In terms of the aforementioned trailer wraps, white space helps to convey messages clearly. After all, it's the messages in question that will eventually sell people on brands and products alike. This will not be able to happen, though, unless white space is used.

DO focus on colors that complement each other. While it might go without saying, no one has to be an expert on art to know that some colors work well together. These are known as complementary hues, which can be used to bolster your trailer wraps as well. When they work together, they create visually stimulating images that will be able to grab the attention of others. Keep this in mind if you find yourself struggling with the design process.

DON'T be afraid to experiment. What if you're stumped on colors to use for your advertising needs? This is where a bit of experimentation comes into effect, as it'll grant you the opportunity to test out color combinations to see what works best. For many new businesses, this is the best way to see what clicks. If you're going to use trailer wraps, you have to understand that experimenting with a variety of colors goes a long way.

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